Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate 10% Coated Granules

Summary :-

Effective against CRD AND CCRD Complexes improves FCR, egg production & performance

Composition :-

Each Kg of TIAMAK contains 100gm of Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumerate (coated granules)


200 - 500 gm of TIAMAK per ton of feed of feed on regular basis through out the laying cycle


Birds should not receive products containing monensin, narasin or salinomycin during or for at least seven days before or after treatment with TIAMAK Severe growth depression or death may result.

Improvement of Egg:-

100gm -200gm of TIAMAK per ton of feed or as per the advice of the veterinarian/consultant.


Store in a cool dry place. Protect from sun light. & avoid direct contact with skin. Keep Out of reach of children


Layers / Broilers 10% 200 gm of TIAMAK per ton of feed


5 kg and 25 kgs HDPE Bags